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Sunday 18 April 2021

my throat is dry even when I drink water


my throat is dry even when i drink water

my throat is dry even when I drink water. A dry throat can be caused by tobacco or marijuana use, excessive coughing, allergies, side effects of the drug, and, in rare cases, throat and throat cancer.

my throat is dry even when I drink water

The most common cause of dry throat is dry mucous membranes. This protective layer includes the throat, respiratory tract and digestive tract, and other areas. Throat can be sung by exercising, sleeping with your mouth open, breathing through your mouth, sitting in a dry place, or not drinking enough fluids. 
Throat can be sung by exercising, sleeping with your mouth open, breathing through your mouth, sitting in a dry place, or not drinking enough fluids. Dry throat can be caused by tobacco or marijuana use, excessive coughing, allergies, side effects of the drug, and, in rare cases, throat and throat cancer.

About 30 to 40 percent of the world's reliable population is affected by allergies. When a person has an allergy to a particular season of the year, factors in his or her environment cause his or her immune system to overreact.

Common causes include the dry throat:

dust mites
hair of pets
certain foods
In a person with allergies at certain times of the year, these allergens cause the immune system to release a chemical called histamine.

Along with a dry throat, histamine released in an overactive reaction can cause:

full or runny nose
itchy skin, mouth, or eyes
Sleep with your mouth open
If a person sleeps with their mouth open, they may wake up with a dry throat. This also happens when a person begins to breathe through their mouth while sleeping.

When the mouth is left open, the air dries up the saliva it produces to keep its mouth moist. As a result, their throat and mouth may feel dry when they wake up.

One can also snore and end up breathing badly if he keeps his mouth open while sleeping.

When a person is dehydrated, they can get a dry throat. Other symptoms of dehydration include:

feeling very dry
urinate a little
having black urine
Dehydration is caused by not drinking enough water.

The common cold
A common cold can cause a dry or sore throat, next to a runny nose or sneezing.
A dry throat can be a sign of a common cold. The common cold is a word of infection caused by one of the various viruses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an adult will get 2 to 3Trust Source Infections each year, on average. A cold can make a person's throat feel dry, itchy, or painful. Primary infections can also cause:

running, full nose
a slight fever
Physical pain
The flu
A dry, cracked or sore throat can be a sign of the flu, known as a cold.

Fever is a respiratory illness caused by a flu virus. According to the CDC, flu symptoms usually begin an average of 2 days from a reliable source after a person has been exposed to the flu virus.

The flu is much more serious than the common cold, and a person with the flu may need a bed rest.

A dry, stinging throat can be a sign of mononucleosis. This is a disease that is usually caused by an infection of the Epstein-Barr virus. It is the most reliable source of human body fluids, with saliva transmission being the most common.

Mononucleosis is more commonly known as mono or "respiratory disease." It usually affects young people and those in college, but one can catch it at any time in their lives.

Along with a dry, cracked or sore throat, the symptoms of envy include:

swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits
muscle weakness
inflammation of the larynx
night sweats
Mono itself lasts 2 to 4 weeks Reliable Source, but for some, their bodies may take longer to recover.

Acid reflux
Dry throat can be a sign of acid reflux. Acid in the digestive tract causes inflammation, dry throat, and:

swallowing problem
dry cough
a hoarse voice
The correct name for this condition is gastroesophageal reflux disease, abbreviated in GERD. It causes the acid to rise from the stomach into the digestive tract.

A dry throat can be a sign of tonsilitis. This is inflammation of the throat, which is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be caused by bacteria. Pumpkins are fleshy lumps in the back of the throat that help fight infections.

As well as a dry, tired or sore throat, symptoms of tonsillitis include:

swollen, red, or white spots on the thighs
a hoarse voice
swollen lymph nodes in the neck
the stench
Strep throat
A dry throat can be a sign of strep throat. This is a sore throat that leads to severe, dry throat. It is caused by a bacterium, Streptococcus pyogenes.

Other symptoms of strep throat include:

swelling, redness, or patchy white patches
swollen lymph nodes in the neck
nausea and vomiting
Physical pain

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